Sean Noyce

SERIES: Regeneration

About This Series

Conceived as a response to the fires of 2017 that decimated the hills near Brian Head, UT, Regeneration elicits hope and rebirth in the midst of lingering resentment from this human-caused tragedy.

Regeneration straddles the transitory plane between the world that we remember and one that has yet to be created. Every change we make, big or small, leaves a trace from that moment, which in turn builds on another. The marks, however profound, have an ephemeral effect since they are often dissolved, destroyed, or become obsolete with the arrival of the new.

Because our perception of time is limited to the present, we’re not always aware of the imperceptible changes that are happening now. Regeneration gives pause to view the world from an alternate vantage point, providing a vision of an ecosystem that can be renewed with some social responsibility