Sean Noyce


About This Series

Singularity is a series of new media paintings that challenges our fear of technological obsolescence. The title refers to the moment when computers are expected to outsmart the most intelligent of us — in less than 15 years by some estimates. Although we have faced parallel scenarios throughout history that have threatened the concept of work, like the steam engine replacing manual labor or the automobile driving out the horse-drawn carriage, most haven’t panned out to be the doomsday scenarios that we predicted, but rather, have highlighted our ability to adapt and better ourselves.

The works are a collaboration between the artist and the computer, using code to create highly complex, pixelated forms and juxtaposing them with more painterly, erratic shapes. Organic structures that resemble veins, rivers and cells are superimposed on manmade ones that mimic streets, polygons and cables. The disparate forms build upon one another to become a entirely new entity which is greater than the sum of its parts.

The paintings from Singularity are based on the silhouettes of high-profile figures in popular culture: politicians like Hillary Clinton, literary giants like George Orwell, and inspirational figures like Ta-Nehisi Coates. By basing the work on well-known celebrities, the viewer can have a more humanized experience with the new media work.